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HSbD Construction Sector Accord Project: "Bringing about better health and safety outcomes through good design practice in New Zealand "

2022-02-22 14:57 | Anonymous

This project is being undertaken by CHASNZ for the Construction Sector Accord from November 2021 - June 2022. 

The Accord is a joint commitment from government and industry to work together to create a high performing construction sector for a better New Zealand. The Construction Sector Transformation Plan (Transformation Plan) is a three-year action plan for change focused on addressing the challenges faced by the sector. The Transformation Plan was launched in January 2020 by industry and government leaders, delivering on the pledge made in the Accord to engage across the sector to develop an action plan to transform building and construction to a high performing sector.

About this Project:

Within the Health, Safety and Wellbeing workstream of the Construction Sector Transformation Plan, the Enhance Health and Safety programmes workstream seeks to support and promote the adoption ‘safety in design’ principles. This project seeks to support this initiative.   

The project aims to contribute to better health and safety outcomes through good design practice in New Zealand by: 

  • Promoting and testing Health and Safety by Design (HSbD) principles and outcomes with design practitioners and stakeholders, 
  • Illustrating the work done to fulfil HSbD principles and outcomes in the context of real-world design practices, and 
  • Identifying opportunities to modify real-world design practices to give better effect to HSbD principles and outcomes. 

To do this we are working to: 

  • Catalogue HSbD principles and outcomes and how these relate to the “model design system” and communicate and test these as the project progresses. 
  • Catalogue existing HSbD guidance and industry initiatives and stakeholders. 
  • Examine where the most harm is occurring in construction and the opportunities to address those predominant sources of harm through design. 
  • Engage with key stakeholders (representing the Construction Sector Accord “personas”) to document design practices which illustrate the work of HSbD 
  • Identify key questions or issues to be investigated by future work. 
  • Identify and scope interventions to be developed and implemented by future work to change the design system and practices to give better effect to HSbD principles and outcomes. 

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