The NZSSE committee decided at our meeting on 8 November 2018 to postpone the NZSSE AGM till February this year and we decided to hold it at Engineering New Zealand's new fafilities in Taranaki Street, Wellington.
We know it is impossible for people from the rest of New Zealand and even further afield to attend in person. We will, therefore, use Engineering New Zealand's Google Meet, facility which is easy to use.
Please send me an email if you would like to register for the teleconference or if you want to let us know about your availability for the committee. Let's work together and make a difference. (Some people have alreadye received a Google Meet invitation.)
<<< For catering, please REGISTER if you will attend in person.
NZEIA AGM AGENDA ( Kopa Room) 5.30pm
Presence list
Annual report
Election of the 2019 NZSSE committee.
Adjournment of AGM
Refreshments (Kopa Room) 6pm Presentation (Kopa Room) 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Hosted by the Mechanical Engineering Group, and presented from Auckland:
Ohmio self-drive vehicles presented by Dr Mahmood Hikmet, R&D Coordinator, Ohmio
We hope to see you there in person or else on Google Meet.
Regards, Daniel Müller - Secretary
Mobile: (021) 202 4202 Email:

Kiwi tech company, Ohmio, is leading the way in self drive vehicles. Ohmio is focused on the development and deployment of Level 4 self-drive vehicles and has developed a world-leading self-driving system. This is a great opportunity to hear from the engineer in NZ who is tasked with overseeing the R&D program behind these state of the art self-drive cars!
- How do autonomous vehicles collect information about the world around them?
- How do they understand this information, and more importantly, how do they make decisions?
Autonomous vehicles are a reality which will (and in many cases already have) entered into our everyday lives. Join Dr Mahmood Hikmet in a talk about what it takes to make an autonomous vehicle work, and how a company based in Pakuranga sees itself in the smart city of the future. See their website for more info;
The presentation will follow our AGM. Refreshments will be provided.